GPSLogger II v2.5.0.2 - The free AIO GPS solution Tag: GPSgpslogger
Overview :
free GPSLogger II v2.5.0.2 - The free AIO GPS solution
OS 4.6, 4.7, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
size:328 KB
model:Pearl Flip 8220, Pearl Flip 8230, Pearl 9100 3G, Pearl 9105 3G, Curve 8520, Curve 8530, Curve 8900, Curve 8910, Curve 8980, Bold 9000, Curve 9300 3G, Curve 9330 3G, Tour 9630, Bold 9650, Style 9670, Bold 9700, Bold 9780, Bold 9788, Curve 9350, Curve 9360, Curve 9370, Storm 9500/9530, Storm2 9550/9520, Torch 9850/9860, Torch 9800, Curve 9380, Bold 9790, Torch 2 9810, Bold 9900/9930, 9981
BlackBerry Developer Challenge 2011 Second Runners-up (Most Addictive social app using the BBM™ Social Platform/Europe, Middle East and Africa)
GPSLogger II is a pretty straightforward application – it records your physical movement on your BlackBerry® device over time. The recorded information includes, beside your actual location data in WGS84, the elevation, your speed and some additional data. You can select between imperial, metric or nautical units.
The location information can be displayed on a plain canvas or GPSLogger II can make use of BlackBerry® Maps (if installed) to display your movement on a map. Please note when you make use of BlackBerry® Maps that this can imply additional data charges.
Additionally, GPSLogger II can direct you to a location that you either entered manually or have previously recorded (via the "Guide Me Home" function). This can be quite useful whether you want to locate your car in a big parking lot or you are in the wilderness and have lost your orientation.
As extended functionality to the "Guide Me Home" feature a very easy to use outdoor navigation is integrated into GPSLogger II also. As latest addon you can use GPSLogger II also as LapTimer - a very powerful feature for all who need to keep track of intermediate timings.
Core Functions:
o GPSLogger
o Speedometer
o CarFinder / Bring me Home
o Outdoor Navigation
o Supporting imperial/metric/nautical
o Laptimer
o Map integration (if BlackBerry® Maps is installed)
o GeoCaching and Waypoint Management
o Available views: Path View | Elevation View | Speed View | GPS View | Timing View | Compass View | Direction View | Map View
o Up to three different views can be displayed at one time
o Optional NightMode in 4 different colors (yellow, blue, red and green)
o Fully User configurable
o Import and Export of KML or GPX
o Optional Connection to TrackDatabase
o Emergency Alerts
o Support for Backup & Restore
o BBM Connected
o 100% OFFLINE (except when BlackBerry® Maps & BBM will be used)
Additional BBM Features:
require BlackBerry® Messenger 6.0 (BBM6)
o Invite one or more of your BBM-Contacts to follow you:
- Invited BBM-Contacts will receive constantly your location
o Start or Join a public Host:
- Create a public BBM-Channel that anybody (with BBM6.0) can join. GPSLogger II will update your Personal Message with the link information and additionally copy a join-link into the clipboard so that you can paste it in a eMail, SMS, Twitter or Facebook.
o Client Options when joining a host:
- Send your location to the host also
- See only the host (this will allow you to log the remote GPS-Signal)
o Send previously recorded Paths and Locations to your BBM-Contacts
o A BlackBerry® device with a build in GPS Antenna (or a active & already paired Bluethooth GPS-Puck)
o Use GPSLogger II outdoors - The reception of the GPS signal inside a building can be very bad or even not available at all.
o Configuration of a working directory for GPSLogger II
Feedback & Support via our Forum @
Additional TEST CENTER Information
Before you leave a negative review it would be very kind if you could double check the application permissions and the compatibility with your device. Then we would kindly ask you to visit our forum and check if you will find there additional help or information (or simply post your problem if you find no thread).
When GPSLogger II does not work on your device then there might be a reason for this OR (which is most important for me as developer) I would like to get in contact with you in order to find the root of the problem and iron it out (if possible) - TIA

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source for GPSLogger II v2.5.0.2 - The free AIO GPS solution