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Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Leaked OS Breaks AutoText (August,2012)

With pretty much every BlackBerry 7 smartphone getting a leaked OS this week, all of us were in for a treat.  With some extra memory at boot, and a minor face-lift to the app switcher, the new update appeared to be a clear improvement on previous OS leaks.  However, the build did manage to prevent you from adding or editing your “AutoText” or “Word Substitution” list, something that many BlackBerry users consider very important.AutoText is a classic BlackBerry feature that allows you to use typing shortcuts and automatic word corrections when you type so you can be a more productive when typing on your BlackBerry.Simply pressing “Add” or “Edit” in the “Word Substitution” screen seems to do nothing in the new leaked OS for some reason.  Let’s hope that the official build of OS 7.1 doesn’t have this issue. If you’re rocking another OS that doesn’t have a broken AutoText or you have found a fix, feel free to check out N4BB’s guide on how to use AutoText for BlackBerry 6 and 7 here.

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