Giveaway: 20 Copies SuperWallpaperChanger â" Rotate Millions of Wallpapers on Your BlackBerry
We previously reported on Berryset’s latest app called SuperWallpaperChanger. The app rotates images from your devices memory, SD memory card & our wallpaper Search engine. Supports XWeather application so you can still have weather widget on your wallpaper and have them rotate(Let the XWeather and SuperWallpaperChanger have the same wallpaper directory,and disable the Enable rotation function in SuperWallpaperChanger).
Features of SuperWallpaperChanger include:
Supports JPG format picture files.Low battery usage, won’t drain your battery.Customizable rotation times.Option to rotate in order or randomly.Smart media detection, when mass storage mode is enabled and BlackBerry is plugged into computer via USB wallpaper changing is stopped and then safely resumes once unplugged.Lightweight, simple and efficient, not bloated with extra un-needed functions.Automatic start up after battery pull or device reset.Save wallpapers from our wallpaper Search engine to your SDCard Automatically.Select from individual categories such as “Landscapes”,”Animal”, “Celebrity”, “Illustration”, “Art”, “Photography”, “Anime”, “Holiday”, “Flower”, “Advertising”, “Movie”, “Travel”, “Auto”, “Sport”, “Game”, “Calendars” from our wallpaper Search engine with millions of wallpapers.To Enter the GiveawayCelebrating SuperWallpaperChanger’s release, Berryset is letting us giveaway 20 copies! Simply follow the rules below to enter:
You must be a registered member of N4BB. When you comment, youâre name will appear in green and it will link to your profile. If youâre not logged in and comment, your entry will not be valid. Make a comment to this post signalling your entry.We will select the 20 winners on Saturday April 14th. If you’re not feeling so lucky, you can pick up SuperWallpaperChanger for $1.99 in the N4BB App Store.
source for Giveaway: 20 Copies SuperWallpaperChanger â" Rotate Millions of Wallpapers on Your BlackBerryDownload Infinite for blackberry 9630,9700 os5.0 themes For Blackberry