This week we introduced a brand new forums system and community. We have implemented a community in which honors your activity by awarding you badges and points. To take it a step further, we’ve decided to give out apps and/or accessories to those who sit in the weekly leader-board. We even have a special badge called the Prestige Award. You’ll receive this honorable award by reaching 100,00 points. In which case, we’ll buy you a BlackBerry of your choice! Wondering how to earn badges and points? Here’s a quick rundown of the system:Badges
Shown above, there is roughly the entire list of possible badges you can receive. You can receive these badges based on a whole slew of variables. In addition to getting points from doing what you can to get the badges, once you receive the badges you also accumulate more points. As shown at the bottom of the list, the Prestige Award is currently the highest badge to receive. You can view all of the badges you’ve received on your profile page, shown here:You can see the badges piling up. Of course, I tweaked mine just a bit to show what it looks like with multiple badges. No fear, I will not be cheating and will resolve back to what I originally had. But, now you get a glimpse of what it can look like for you badge-hungry users. As you gain more points you will rank up in the leader-board. There is an all-time leader-board and a weekly leader-board.Leader-boardAs the points start piling up you just might see yourself shown here for the whole community to see. Yes, it currently shows me with over 100,000 points, but it is just for demonstration. I will be reverting my account to normal. However, those who earn many points (the honest way) will receive prizes. Each week we will look at the top 5 users listed in the weekly leader-board. Those users will be eligible to free apps and/or accessories.Give & Get PointsThe only way to gain badges is through points (unless we otherwise deem you worthy). The way you can gain additional points is when users give you likes, agrees, etc., as shown above. This means you can also give points to other users too. This system is a really great way for those who help the community in a positive way to garner recognition. This system also has a community-based spam, abuse, and troll system too. If you feel a user is abusing our system in some way, you can report it via the flag button. In addition, the troll button works well at silencing those meddling trolls. Enough troll votes will bury the trolling user’s comment from the rest of the community.We’re very excited to see what you can do in the new N4BB community! Thus far it appears to be a huge success and users are deeply engaging in discussions. We hope you take the time to join the N4BB forums. For those who already have, we greatly thank you. Now get going and earn those badges, points, and prizes! Check out the forums here.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
How to Earn Badges, Points, & Prizes in N4BB Forums (June,2012)